I am at a mall and there are people looking for volunteers. I agree and they say they would like me to film what I see for a documentary. I agree. They had me a camcorder and ask me to film away. I have no idea how to use the camera.
There is a program button and I touch it. A screen pops up and says "Jesus and Mary Chain - Sociological experiment" I hit "ok" and the action starts.
The action as it turns out is like a 60's Comcert with trippy lights and people dancing and wiggling about. I try to capture the action but have lots of issues with the camera. While I am filming I am wondering what experiment they - the Jesus and Mary Chain people - are trying to prove.
I put the camera down and prepare to walk out of the mall. As I do, I realize that the "experiment" was just getting the volunteers. Here is a random pic of the Jesus and Mary Chain

The other dream dealt with driving. I was on 880 and trying to drive to work. A friend was in the car with me. As I was driving, I realized that I was sleeping behind the wheel. I am awake enough to know that I am asleep behind the wheel but too sleepy to do anything about it. I tell my friend that I have fallen asleep and he has to grab the wheel and drive the car. I try to open my eyes but I can't - my eyes won't open. I can move my feet and hands and try to steer the car to the side of the road. I am scared that I will crash because I can not see anything. I try to force myself to wake up to drive. I succeed and open my eyes and drive to work.
Weird dreams!! No more late night eating for me. On the training front, some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I am still going to the gym and 3x weekly I do some aerobics. The bad is that they do not involve the treadmill. I hate that machine!
So I am set back a little on my progress chart but still think I can hit 3 miles by the end of the year. After my car got broke into, I had to walk to work for 3 days, so that was 4 miles each day.
Finally, I heard about a webcam from this guy who lives in the Tenderloin. He lives across the street from Glide Memorial Church and runs a live webcam from his apartment. It is fascinating to me to watch and just be a fly on the wall. Check it out at http://adamsblock.com
Did you heart about ISAWADREAM.COM? Of course no! because it has just released :)
I think, you may want to log your dreams in I SAW A DREAM website.
Hey, you have spam comments! I got one the other day. I have had that EXACT dream...I am driving but my eyes won't open but I don't stop driving and I am terrified I will crash. How crazy is that?
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