Friday, January 9, 2009


Thank you David Bowie. Things are a-changing. Jen is having a boy, Pam is hitched. Congrats to both of you - really the four of you - ok the five of you including the little fetus.

Changes for me? You betcha. Not as dramatic or life altering but some changes are coming my way. I think that life goes in cycles and for me it has been 5 year cycles. I changed jobs every 5 years for the past 15 years but no job change this year.

First, my car kinda died. Not really died but failed the smog which is a death sentence for cars. It was going to be $1500 to bring it up to snuff and I didn't want to pay on an old car. A car I loved and enjoyed but alas, it was time to put it down. So I switched to a Mazda. It's a cute little sport-ute. A 2007 CX7 - a lease return but really cute. Here is a pic of one - mine is black

It's cute. I am also moving to somewhere else. A secret location - can't share the details but I am moving hopefully to a place with less window smashing goodness. It is actually back to the same place I used to live in San Leandro - on 143rd Avenue. So that's a change. I'll probably move next week or so.

So new car and a new place to live. Same job and everything else. Same battle getting to the gym on a regular basis. Still loathing the treadmill - I curse your rusty innards!

I went to the gym on the Monday after New years and it was packed to the rafters with people. There was an hour wait to get to a treadmill. It reminded me of the first day of Chabot. Tons of people with new clothes working around kind of disoriented and two weeks later they are gone. Gyms must love New Years and peoples' resolutions. The crowds have already dropped off a bit. Ah well, maybe next year.


jdt n 925 said...

Nice vroom-vroom. Tell me it has an alarm :)

ptrap said...

Cute car. 143rd? Over by Elio's? I was hoping you'd move to SF! Shabu shabu!