Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More School House Rock!

Any child of the '70's knows School House Rock. It was an ABC thing between cartoons. Some of my favorites:

- Verb! That's where action is

- Lolly get your abverb here

- Three in the family

- I'm just a Bill

- Conjuction Function

I remember in Junior High we had to recite the Preamble and everyone in the class song the song "We, the People" from School House Rock. Ah Good times. Do kids have to memorize stuff anymore? With all of their gadgets and gizmos, I would think that memorizing things would seem outdated and unnecessary. Why memorize when you can Google/Youtube/Wikipedia it.

On the exercise front, I exercised on Saturday (20 minutes treadmill - hit the 1 mile in 17 minutes). On Sunday and Monday, I rested. Last night, I was raring to go and did a mile in 15:30 - yes! I was like the Flash - now you see him - now you don't. I was wheezing quite a bit but got through it. I talked to my sister about calorie counting - and while the idea seems abhorrent to me, it makes sense and I plan on incorporating it in my overall scheme to run the marathon in June 2009 - San Diego.

I think I can push it to 1.5 miles this week. I think I can - choo! choo! Sidenote - I had no idea that the term "iron horse" referred to a train. For whatever reason, my brain thinks in a very literal way - so I pictured "iron horse" as an actual giant iron horse, kind of like a Trojan Horse. I can't remember when exactly I figured out that "iron horse" was a term for train but I know it was recently.

1 comment:

ptrap said...

Choo choo was an iron horse
and he wears an iron shoe
Choo, choo, choo-hoo-hoo
Sings a song goes choo-choo-choo

Dude, totally a train. I was always amazed at how very old that song was and Grandma prob learned it from her mammy down in the holler!

Loretta, git on down now from that tractor, ya' hear?