Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Before and After

I started this blog as a log of my gym goings and hopefully keeping track of it would encourage me to go more often and with more zeal. Well, "FAIL". Yes, I failed. I know the lame Hallmark saying "If you never quit, you never fail" or something but I feel like I failed. And, that's ok. Thank you Stuart.

I still go to the gym. I still exercise but just not to the degree I need to. I want to. I am capable of it. I have the time but something is holding me back -- that thing is the treadmill. Oh how I hate that contraption. Maybe I should run outside - yeah, 40 degrees outside in the dark. Yeah, sign me up.

Anyway, failure is not an option and I plan to crank her up. (remember those road signs that advised truckers how to drive on the way to Reno "Let 'er drift" "Hill ahead - crank 'er up")

So to encourage me I have found some before and afters of some famous people.


ptrap said...

Too funny. Reverse before and afters!

jdt n 925 said...

HA, funny. I like the Pierce one, he looks like he went crazy too!