Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 5

Entering Week 5 of my quest to reach Week 6. I am concentrating on mini-goals - goal setting so small that it is hard to fail. Mini goal like "go to the gym at least every other day". I like small goals that will hopefully roll up into bigger outcomes.

This weekend went by fast. Spent some time with friends drinking and hanging out. Lots of election talk. I am so over this election and can't wait for it to end. Unless of course Obama loses. If he does, then I think we can expect riots and political unrest. I did hear a funny but unrepeatable joke about Sarah Palin.

I was talking to a friend about karma and he was really into it. All of these levels and progressions of humanity. We talked for at least an hour on his beliefs on karma and the divine spark and all of this stuff. Not sure if I buy it but to hear people who can share their belief system without proselytizing is cool. I remember an old boss who was a devout Seventh Day Adventist and he asked me if we could talk about religion one day. I agreed on the proviso that we keep it at a historical/literary level. So he would give me the history of pagan rituals - Halloween, Christmas, Easter, even the days of the week which a good Christian would never use as they are named after pagan gods (Twi, Woden, Frigga). In fact the Quakers just said "fourth day" for Thursday , for example, because of the pagan origin.

Wow! Another post about pagan rituals. It all comes back to pagans. I must meditate further on this subject. I think there is something here. Some Grand Unification Theory and it involves pagans.

1 comment:

ptrap said...

This sounds like the beginning of a Ron dream...."I had a dream about the Grand Unification Theory, and I was with a whale under a bridge." Speaking of dreams...I had a doozy that I opened the front door and it was Enimem and he had a look of rage on his face, and he proceeded to beat me in the head with a baseball bat. (sounds funny, but it was terrifying for I felt it happening). Then he stopped, and I got up and walked around and I was sure I was dead...because how can you walk around with a split open head and be alive? And I pondered being dead, and what happens now? And where do I go? And when do I go? Is this what 'dead' feels like? And then I wandered into a bedroom and YOU were in there, alseep (weird!) so I picked up the phone at your bedside table to call 911, and because I could actually dial and talk to an operator, I knew I was alive. And then a cop showed up. And...scene. I woke up all freaked out.